How to free camp for longer

How to free camp for longer

The RV lifestyle lends itself to being nomadic as we travel from place to place – but there comes a time for most of us when we think, “I’d like to find lovely spot and just stay there for months!” You want a place that you can call home whilst out on the road; somewhere […]

Our Setup

Our Setup

At the time of our big lap, both of us had driven Mitsubishi vehicles for so long, it was only natural that we took a Pajero for the trip.  The Pajero was fitted with a few accessories to help with towing and the long distances – we added a long range fuel tank, the suspension was upgraded, […]

Setting Off! Adelaide to Pooncarie

Setting Off! Adelaide to Pooncarie

Well it’s hard to believe, but the day finally arrived…we have left and we’re off on the big lap! With all packing done, the van got hitched and we were off.  Of all days to leave, the weather turned and it was cold and raining, but I guess it could be worse and be a scorcher.  We […]

Pooncarie to Menindee

Pooncarie to Menindee

Time to continue our trip on the Darling River Run with our first stop being Menindee.  The road was dirt all the way through except for 7kms in the middle, and after driving the 130kms on a bundle of corrugations with the van on the back, we were more than happy to see the black top given […]

Menindee to Cunnamulla

Menindee to Cunnamulla

We ended our last post indicating we were experiencing a storm in Menindee which was welcomed by all, but unfortunately for us, the amount of rain received put a dampener on us continuing the Darling River Run as the dirt roads we needed to travel on were closed.  We hoped after a day or two that the roads […]

Cunnamulla to Blackall

Cunnamulla to Blackall

Ran, rain, and more rain….when will it end (aahhh)!!!  We had a wry smile the other day when we had heard that SA was experiencing some hot weather, when the average temperature this week for us in Outback Queensland has been no more than 24º…not what the locals had expected (nor us), and it’s definitely not helping […]

Blackall to Emerald

Blackall to Emerald

This leg of our trip sees us trek further north to Barcaldine, and from there west to Longreach and Winton.  The road in between Barcaldine and Longreach was closed the day before we came through due to rising floodwaters, but lucky for us on the day we drove through it was open with “caution”.  As it turns out, […]

Emerald to Echuca

Emerald to Echuca

We arrived in Emerald which is a service centre for all of the mining industry surrounding the town (coal and sapphires).  We decided to come this way to try a different route going home….bad idea!!!  On our first night, we basically got washed away with 162mm of rain being recorded in the park.  We knew rain was […]

Echuca to Adelaide

Echuca to Adelaide

Leaving Griffith and travelling further south, we sadly only had another two stops before arriving home.  The run from Griffith to Echuca went really well with very little traffic all the way except for a plague of locusts – did they make a mess to the front of the Paj!  We decided to stay on the NSW side […]

We’re Back On The Road!

We’re Back On The Road!

It’s great to be able to write that we’re back on the road! Leaving a little later than expected due some really hot weather and Grant finalising the work on his new brackets, it put us behind schedule as we had a deadline to get to Port Lincoln (not that Grant knew that at the […]