Broome to Kununurra

Broome to Kununurra

After having some fun up at Cape Leveque we’ve made our way back to Broome.  Lucky for us, we timed our return right, as the Broome movie premiere of an Australian film made around the Kimberley called “Mad Bastards” at the outdoor movie theatre, Sun Pictures was scheduled during our stay.  (It actually reminded us […]

Gibb River Road Blog 1

Gibb River Road Blog 1

We’re finally back in Kununurra after just over 4 weeks of not having internet access whilst we travelled the Gibb River Road.  Over the next couple of weeks, we’ll dedicate multiple posts to the Gibb River Road section as we know many want to know all the juicy details of this part of our trip!  Here’s the first […]

WA – A Kimberley Snapshot

WA – A Kimberley Snapshot

WHERE: The Kimberley is located in the far north west of Western Australia and covers more than 420,000 square kilometres. In comparison, this region is bigger than Germany and nearly twice the size of Victoria, but has a population of less than 50,000 people.  The main entry points to the Kimberley are from the towns […]