1770 to Gold Coast

1770 to Gold Coast

So with a bit of shuffling of the plan, we bolted down towards the Gold Coast to beat the school holidays, but first called into Bundaberg to do a tour of the Bundaberg Rum factory.  Not a bad tour, especially when you get some samples at the end!  Lucky for me Grant was driving :-).  We […]

WA – Settling into Kimberley Time

WA – Settling into Kimberley Time

I still find travelling to WA’s northwest as exciting as it was on my first trip more than 25 years ago. With several trips now under the belt and a stint living in Kununurra, there’s one thing that I appreciate more than ever, and that’s timing. Time in the Kimberley is a slow-moving clock that […]

Tenterfield to Urunga

Tenterfield to Urunga

Leaving Tenterfield, we’re now travelling further south towards Casino.  As we left Tenterfield that morning, heaps of thick black clouds were developing in the distance, but given that we were heading in the opposite direction we thought nothing of it.  Bad mistake! Arriving at Casino, we hurriedly set up so we could watch some footy […]

Blue Mountains to Eden

Blue Mountains to Eden

Leaving the Blue Mountains, it wasn’t a long drive as we stopped at the V8 Supercar Capital of Oz, Bathurst.  Unhitching the van, Grant had great delight in doing a “hot lap” in the Paj (if you can call it that!)  As the track is a public road, unfortunately regular speed limits apply   The question is, did we […]

Eden to Bright

Eden to Bright

With another state done and dusted, we are getting much close to home as we cross the border into Victoria and visit Lakes Entrance. We’d been pre-warned the wind around that way came from the Antarctic and that definitely was the case.  Wow, talk about cold. We stopped here for a few days as there […]

Bright to Bendigo

Bright to Bendigo

Deciding to base ourselves at Mansfield for a few days, we took day trips around the area given that we’d heard the road up to the Mansfield State Forest was windy and steep.  First stop was Craig’s Hut.  Made famous in the film “The Man from Snowy River”, the scenery from the hut was nothing short of […]

Melbourne to Home

Melbourne to Home

After travelling over 40,000kms we’re almost home, and our sensational Aussie adventure comes to an end.  But before getting too nostalgic, we need to let you know what we did before unhitching for the final time. When we last wrote, we had spent some time in and around Melbourne, and we were trying to work out […]

How To Avoid Trip Disasters

How To Avoid Trip Disasters

Whenever you hit the open road, it’s only natural to think nothing will go wrong when touring. But as we all know, things can, and do happen. We’ll be the first to admit that we’ve had a few clangers over the years, and spoken to many others who shared their not so pleasant experiences of […]

Don’t be a drip with these 10 water saving tips

Don’t be a drip with these 10 water saving tips

It doesn’t matter where you live around the country, we all recognise that water is a precious commodity. So much so, that you may have even experienced the devastating effects drought has had in many parts of Australia first-hand. It’s for this exact reason we take our water usage very seriously when travelling, and it’s […]

BMPro BatteryCheck

BMPro BatteryCheck

With many RVs these days using 12v batteries for functions such as lighting, operating pumps, powering electronic circuits in fridges and gas heaters, plus a bundle of other accessories, you come to rely on the fact your batteries are in good working order especially when going off the grid. After learning the hard way that […]